
Me: A twenty-something girl living in the city. I make a mean fondue. I prefer books over magazines, board games over bars, late-night karaoke over early-morning yoga, Murder Mysteries over Teen Paranormal Romance, sarcasm over slapstick, museums over movies. I went through a phase where I wanted to teach sign language to Orangutans. Now I’m a Research Analyst for a local non-profit.

You: Are curious about the world around you. You can take a joke and are not easily offended. You can spell, and are generally happy. You are a spiritual thinker and like to challenge yourself. You are honest, genuine and comfortable in your own skin. You are creative and passionate. Maybe you love 80s movies, Salinger, or you moved across country with only a duffel bag. I don’t know, but I believe everyone has a story to share and I’d love to hear more about yours.

Sheridan in the City is a space for me to post my dating conquests, artistic escapades, the things that move me, and the places I love.  All from my teeny tiny love shack.

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